Please support your Civic Club by paying your annual dues.
The number one goal of the Civic Club is to enforce our deed restrictions! In addition, we disseminate important information that affect our neighborhood. Through our semi-annual meetings and Block Party, we try to foster a sense of community by providing opportunities to meet your neighbors. Per the deed restrictions and by-laws, residents in the five subdivisions that make up Crestwood / Glen Cove (Crestwood, Crestwood Acres,
Glen Cove I, Glen Cove II and Glen Cove III) are eligible for membership in the Crestwood Civic Club. Voluntary dues of $60 per year
($20 for senior citizens) are used for enforcement of deed restrictions, tree plantings, monuments, speed cushions and other traffic safety initiatives, community gatherings, political forums, as well as ongoing business such as the website, meetings, gatherings and more.
Every 3 years the Civic Club organizes for your house number painting to be refreshed on the sidewalk.
Invoice handouts are distributed in the summer of each year.
Dues-paying residents receive a copy of the neighborhood directory.
Residents that wish to update their contact and directory information may do so by downloading this Club Membership Form:
To Pay Online Click the Button Below:
Dues are $60/year and $20 for seniors
Form and changes may be emailed to info@crestwoodglencove.org, or mailed to the club at the post office box address below.
Pay By Check:
Please make your check payable to: Crestwood Civic Club
Mail to the club post office box:
Crestwood Civic Club
P.O. Box 131594
Houston, Texas 77219-1594
Please include the reverse page of the dues letter to confirm your payment. The information on this payment stub is what will appear in the neighborhood directory, so please make any necessary changes to this form, or email info@CrestwoodGlenCove.org.
Thank you for supporting the Civic Club!

General Email: president@crestwoodglencove.org
Address: Crestwood/GlenCove Civic Club
P.O. Box 131594
Houston, TX 77219-1594
President: Charlie Bingham - 346 646 8823 president@crestwoodglencove.org
Vice President: Neil Bremner
Treasurer: George Li
Secretary: Priscilla McLeroy
Board Members: Liliya Bayer | Kat Vo | Tarin Williger | Wally James | Aida Tursumbayeva
Architecture Committee - Glen Cove: Mike Van Dusen | Javier Morales | Alan Svoboda | George Li
Architecture Committee - Crestwood: Priscilla McLeroy | Gail Baxter | Paul Titterington | Chuck Tobias | Wesley Bamburg
We are very lucky to have a selection of our neighbors who make up our Welcome Committee.
These special folks are responsible for meeting new neighbors and welcoming them to the neighborhood and giving information about the Civic Club and the Security enrollment forms.
Katherine Vo from the Board coordinates this team - if you require further information or would like to volunteer, please reach out to Kat via - president@crestwoodglencove.org